
Pfizer MenB Resources for the Upcoming Winter Break Season (October 2018)



Only about 50% of patients who initiate a serogroup B meningococcal disease (MenB) vaccine series will receive 2 or more doses*. Pfizer would like to remind our members that adolescents and young adults who started a MenB vaccine series earlier this year have a great opportunity to complete the series when they are home for winter break!

Pfizer would also like to provide our members with tools to engage patients this winter break season in discussions about MenB immunization. These resources will help encourage patients to return to your office for timely series completion.

Please review Pfizer's MenB Resource Guide and be sure to contact your local Pfizer Vaccine Representative with any questions or to request any of the resources to help protect your patients against MenB. You may also contact Pfizer's Vaccines Support Team at 844.439.2571.

Members may view CCPAPP's discounted pricing for Pfizer's MenB vaccine, Trumenba, on the pricing pages of our website. Please email if you are in need of your practice's login information.

We hope you are able to take advantage of all the resources offered by Pfizer and the opportunity to engage your patients during this winter break season!

*Medical claims data analysis based on a 15-month period from series initiation, using data from January 2016 to May 2018.

Reference: 1. Internal calculations by Pfizer based on IQVIA LAAD database. Published
January 2016-May 2018. Accessed May 2018.



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